Hello!... My name is Toni Imlay.
I am the wife to Mr. tall, dark, and handsome and the mother to Seven beautiful and amazing daughters. We were crazy enough to even name them all with S's! So far, we are blessed with a bunch grandkids and look forward to lots more.
Through the adventures that I share here on my blog you may learn more about me and my wild family than you bargained for. Sorry. Not sorry! ;)
My girls were the inspiration for this here blog - Hence the name, 'Sunshine of Seven' and for a lot of my creativity...as well as my husband, family & friends. They all inspire me, every day, to be a better mom, wife, and person.
I count my blessings every day for getting to be here on this beautiful earth, surrounded by such wonderful souls.
Look for JOY in life, and you will find it!
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